
Stay informed of news and announcements about the Colorado rivers and community we love.
  • 08/14/2017 4:46 PM | Anonymous

    The USDA Forest Service, San Isabel National Forest, Leadville Ranger District is seeking public comment on a proposal to relocate the Numbers Launch Site on the Arkansas River to a new location south of existing site.  “The new launch site will provide for improved aesthetics, access, and safety,” according to the August 7, 2017, public scoping document.

    The proposed action is to restore the old launch site to a natural setting by removing all improvements (signs, kiosks, fences, etc.) and rehabilitating the access road and parking area.

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPAW) will construct a new launch site with a new access road, parking lot, loading zone, fee station, restroom, and stairs with a boat side. The loading zone will be location on CPAW property, but the proposal is to locate the other facilities on adjacent National Forest land.

    The Forest Service is seeking public comments to the proposal in person, by phone, and by e-mail by September 1.

    For more information contact:
    The Leadville Ranger District, 810 Front Street, Leadville, CO 80461, 719-486-0749, 

  • 07/17/2017 12:46 PM | Anonymous

    by Elizabeth Austen

    Friends were made, lessons were learned, fun was had! It’s what we do.

    I am so grateful for all the people who come together and contribute—in countless ways—to make this event a success. It is, by far, our largest annual event, our biggest fundraiser, and it takes a village to make it happen. 

    Fortunately, we have an incredible village of kind, smart, fun, giving folks who help in so many ways, and this boat surely wouldn’t float without them. Most importantly and probably most obviously, the CW Instruction Team members who lead classes. CW instructors are certified to teach for the club via the American Canoe Association’s training guidelines and the training is paid for with club funds.

    Instructors are then beholden to give forty hours annually to teaching for CW for five years, at which point they can opt to recertify. These people are particularly selfless. They teach at the CW-sponsored pool sessions throughout the winter at Meyers Pool in Arvada, conduct flat water moving water weekend for the newest kayakers just prior to Training Camp, and then top it off with Training Camp itself. Never mind that most of them also lead cruises and mentor people outside of the CW structure. If you’re a solid class III+ boater with a mentoring mentality and an interest in joining our Instruction Team, contact CW Instruction Director Dick Alweis at for a private conversation. 

    CW is also fortunate to have about a zillion terrific mentors who are not trained as instructors, but are strong boaters with good rescue skills and a desire to help with the on-water activities.  And then there are so many folks who help at the event with the logistics of things, like checking people in, selling raffle tickets and conducting the raffle itself, taking video for classes, setting up tents and tables and technology and moving things, bringing tablets for video, lanterns and lights and tents and whiteboards. 

    Behind the scenes was CW Webmaster Heidi Haas, putting together the big puzzle of information and class registrations in a way that made sense. Treasurer Jermiah Krayna handled refunds and vendor payments efficiently, and Membership Director April Hillman assisted in making sure all registrants were current members and therefore insured—which is actually a very important component. Additionally, a key piece that most people don’t even know about is the safety plan and event insurance facilitated by our Insurance Director, Leslie Tyson. That’s a big headache and a vital piece. I’m so very relieved and thankful that Leslie is willing to take on those Pain-In-The-Arse tasks!

    We had 200 people in attendance at our 2017 event. The camp sites were full and people HAD to make friends with their camp neighbors. Which is a big part of the event, anyway, and if you’re not interested in connecting with other people, this is NOT the event for you! If you met fun people at Training Camp and don’t know how to contact them now, you can find them via the CW member directory on line. Log in at  and go to the RESOURCES tab, then click on member directory.

    On Friday night, we had kayak porn and social time while volunteers manned the check-in table.  Saturday morning, we got things moving with a quick safety talk by the wild and wonderful Jon Baskin. You know, the 6’8” tall guy wearing a onesie decorated with ducks? Allison Piper White led us through some good stretches to get us ready to hit the water, and a volunteer from Colorado Parks and Wildlife was present to sell state park passes and encourage us to participate in the river cleanup that Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) hosts the same weekend every year. They have a terrific safety brochure with maps of the area available here:

    Instructors came forward to claim their groups, and everyone began to prepare for the on-water fun. We had a wide range of classes and abilities from brand-new kayakers who just completed pool classes and their first time on moving water to next level—getting to the next level, complete with video playback. We had high attendance in the Level B Intermediate Fundamentals classes (had to add more!), and not as many people in the level C and D groups. Of course, the Intro to Playboating class with Mat Dumoulin of Team Jackson / Jackson Kayak was a big hit. We also had terrific guest instructors Holly McClintock from Four Corners Rafting in Durango, and Josh Aronow from River Runners in BV. RMOC also loaned us instructors, along with 4 Corners and River Runners. We appreciate the assistance and sponsorship from these companies and their bright and shiny instructors!

    Saturday evening, we had great food provided by our own Brian Sweeney and his lovely wife Silvia Schuhmann, followed by live music from Chain Station Mountain Music, which got a ton of people to their feet with bluegrassy originals and covers of everything from Tom Petty to Johnny Cash.

    Sunday morning, we had our awards and the big deal—the RAFFLE! We had so many terrific prizes provided by friends and sponsors, it was quite a spectacle and our Events Director Laurie Maciag ran her tukus off handling the presentation, culminating with the grand prize of the Jackson 4Fun Kayak.

    Thanks to everyone who participated in yet another wildly fun event, and we’re gonna do it again next year, so mark your calendar now for May 18–20, 2018!

  • 06/23/2017 9:49 AM | Anonymous

    by Daniel Barton

    On April 22, 2017, Colorado Whitewater organized the South Platte River Cleanup. Although mother nature did not provide the water necessary to have all volunteers float the river, we still had amazing participation. All in all, we had approximately 115 volunteers and collected enough trash to fill a 32-yard dumpster. Some of the interesting items found were a lawn mower, a pair of 1980s skis, and the ever-present shopping cart. 

    Colorado Whitewater would like to give thanks to a couple key partners. Down River Equipment helped organize the event and supplied some amazing raffle items. Confluence Kayaks hosted the after-party and donated raffle items. Good River Beer donated beer for the after party. Finally, Denver Water, a new sponsor and partner was an integral part of the Cleanup this year. Denver Water transported all the trash collected by volunteers to the dumpster. 

    Denver and the Colorado river community is very special. We have people from all walks of life willing to devote their time toward bing positive river stewards and conservation. Thanks to everyone who committed their time in this effort.

  • 06/16/2017 4:15 PM | Anonymous

    By Chris Bidwell

    The day I won the Jackson Fun was the morning on the last day of 2016 Spring Training Camp. I bought two $10 tickets for the raffle, and when they called my name, I went over and picked the boat up over my head because I couldn’t believe it.   

    Before going on the day’s trip, I quickly pulled all the gear out of my old kayak and outfitted the new Fun and immediately paddled it on our Cottonwood rapid Training Camp run. Since then, it has been my primary boat, and I have paddled it numerous times on the Foxton run, Waterton Canyon, laps on the Bridges run, laps on Shoshone, Royal Gorge, Clear Creek... Several of these are runs I’ve led for the former CWWA. 

    Every run I did this year was with my daughter, who totally has the kayaking bug. She was wanting to improve her class III skills and is working to get into class IV this upcoming season. My boating posse is mostly gone, so my new posse is my daughter’s boating friends, now my friends. I am known as “Corinne’s dad, the boater.” Once after a long day of paddling with them on the NFSP, we were pulling our boats out of the river. The other paddlers were dragging their boats back to the truck, but I told them that I’d be damned if I was going to drag my $20 boat.

    At this point in my paddling career, which has spanned since I was twelve, I am still enjoying paddling and passing my skills to the younger generation.

    In a nutshell, my personal rules for paddling are four-fold:

    ·       Paddle with a good crew (you never know when they may have to save you). 

    ·       Be in good shape (you do not want to get fatigued or pull a muscle).

    ·       Be a skilled paddler (have a strong roll, constantly improve, paddle often, do not move up a grade until you can comfortably play in your current grade). 

    ·       Have good gear (including safety gear--f it is worn out replace it, especially old lifejackets). 

    At the end of last season, I upgraded to a Party Braaap, and the “raffle Fun” has been handed down to my daughter, so it will continue its life as her primary boat.

    Thank you CW for giving back!

  • 04/29/2017 12:59 PM | Anonymous

    By Tim Friday

    Clear Creek soon will be swollen with spring runoff, and many of us are itching to get on the water. This has me thinking about the Peaks to Plains Trail project and its impact on river navigability as well as access to the traditional put-in/take-out spots. 

    I recently corresponded with Scot Grossman, Jeffco Open Space Project Manager, for this project, and things are moving forward with Segment 1 (Canyon Mouth to west end of Tunnel 1). A request for qualifications for contractors will be issued in the next few weeks, and Scot expects that a design-build contract for this segment will be in place by early fall. This means that work should begin late in 2017 and will continue into 2018. 

    So, for those of us who are interested in running this section of river in the 2017 season, the project will have no impact this year. Once a contract is awarded, CW will work with Scot/Jeffco to try to ensure that the river remains navigable during paddling season next year. This means we will try to ensure that the contractor avoids placing any temporary river crossings that would make boat passage unsafe or impossible. 

    Upstream on Segment 7, one temporary river crossing remains in place around mile marker 262.5. The contractor is in the process of realigning Highway 6 near mile marker 262.5 to accommodate a new parking lot downstream of Mayhem Gulch. The “Big Easy Recreation Area” will include parking for over fifty cars, a permanent restroom, multiple river access points, picnic areas, and a new bridge across the creek. The planned opening date is early September 2017. This is upstream of the existing Black Rock put-in, but traffic will be impacted in both directions, and this could cause delays and backups, especially during periods of heavy traffic. Once completed, this could become the preferred put-in for Black Rock.  

    Another positive thing to note is that the temporary river crossing will be removed in early May this year, so the river once again will be fully navigable from Lawson to Golden in 2017.  

    I have not been in the Canyon for a few months, so I don’t know how it looks other than what I can see in photographs on the website. There is no schedule yet for constructing any other segments other than Segment 1.

  • 04/29/2017 11:11 AM | Anonymous

    By Jessie Gunter

      It's almost run-off season, and that means it's time to get some cruises on the calendar!

    What are cruises? For those interested in meeting up with other paddlers, CW offers free river cruises arranged by volunteer trip coordinators. These trips allow you to step it up and try a new section of river with the support of experienced lead and sweeps who know that section. Or if you have a favorite run, then simply come along and have fun with a group of boaters! The trips are not a teaching or training exercise, and members who participate are responsible for their own conduct and safety. 

    We had an amazing cruise schedule last year thanks to a ton of awesome members who stepped up to lead trips. We were able to offer cruises almost every Saturday and/or Sunday from May till September, and I would really like to accomplish this again! We successfully provided opportunities for boaters to get out on the river safely on a ton of different riversa core function of Colorado Whitewater as a club and a community. 

    To be a cruise leader, it is important that you are comfortable on the section you are leading, that you have previously had swiftwater rescue and CPR training and can assist with any swimmers or rescue situations while on the river. If you have any other questions about whether or not leading a cruise is right for you, please email me at and I'd be happy to have a conversation about it!

    Runs on which I would like to have at least one cruise planned at some point in the season—for any date:

    -Shoshone (III) and Grizzly Creek (II+) on the Colorado

    -Deckers (II+), Foxton (III+), Waterton (III+) 

    -Taylor River (II-III+)

    -Apple Valley on the St. Vrain (II+)

    -Filter Plant (II+), Bridges (III) on the Poudre 

    -Milk Run (II+), Fractions (III), Brown's Canyon (III+) on the Arkansas

    -Pumphouse (II+) on the Colorado

    -Any other ideas? Let's talk!

    -Midweek cruises, SUP Cruises, and surfing parties are awesome too!

    Please get in touch with me (Jessie Gunter) at and let's get this season's cruise schedule going!

  • 04/29/2017 11:02 AM | Anonymous

    Words by Ruth Eipper
    Photos by Terry Standlee

    Last year I was lucky enough to meet some paddlers on the river that invited me to Colorado Whitewater's Training Camp. As a beginner kayaker, I was a little nervous to sign up. I was unsure of what classes to take, and if I would be the only person there without a group of friends to mingle with. One quick email later and I was assured not to worry if I needed to switch classes later and to show up ready to have a good time.

    I arrived at training camp early Friday evening and ran into some of the more seasoned paddlers I had met before. We shared a beer by the river while they swapped stories about what they paddled on the Ark earlier that day before showing up to help lead trips for the weekend. Everyone mingled all evening, talking about what they were hoping to get out of camp, and I soon realized I fit right into the mix just fine. We ended the night around a projector watching kayak porn and relaxing under the stars before walking back to our campsites to prep for morning.

    The next morning everyone gathered in a big group and split into classes for the day. Everyone shared their experience and shuffled around into groups for their skill level. The first day on the river was a blast, shaking off nerves and getting to know everyone in the group better. That night we came back to an amazing dinner and live music by the fire. I definitely didn’t have to worry about being the odd one out at camp as I danced and talked with new and old friends, while once again swapping stories of accomplishments and carnage from the day.

    The second morning started fairly similar (with a good majority moving a little slower after the party the night before). We had another amazing meal for breakfast and came together for the raffle. Tons of local shops donate gear and other fun goodies as prizes. I wasn’t a winner (this time) but many others I had met during the weekend were, including one lucky winner of a brand new boat!

    After another day of paddling and having a blast on the river (with some carnage and a missing shoe thrown into the mix), I swapped numbers with the group and made plans to paddle again the next day. My biggest takeaway from the weekend was by far increasing my circle of paddling buddies and being able to boat together even now.

    I would recommend training camp to anyone looking to learn more as well as seasoned paddlers looking to come join the party (don’t forget your beer, the nearest store is pretty far away!). There are options including playboating and becoming more confident on class IV for the more experienced as well as the choice to come volunteer as safety on the river or even just join for the party and music while paddling whatever you choose during the day. Salida and BV are close by for whatever suits your fancy on the Ark. This year’s band is Chain Station, an amazing bluegrass group, and food will be served by our amazing caterer Brian Sweeney!

    This year I am super excited to return to Training Camp as an instructor and to share the stoke as others did for me last year! 

    Register for 2017 Training Camp May 19-21.

    Ruth Eipper has been kayaking since 2015 and recently became certified as an ACA instructor. Her favorite runs to paddle are definitely Foxton and the Numbers.

  • 03/10/2017 4:09 PM | Anonymous

    by Tim Friday

    In 2007, the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a report on the eligibility of rivers in the Upper Colorado River Basin for Wild and Scenic River designation (BLM Eligibility Report, March 2007). This report identified 54.4 miles of the Upper Colorado River from the top of Gore Canyon downstream to a point one mile east of No Name Creek in Glenwood Springs, Colorado (segments 4 through 7), as having numerous “outstandingly remarkable values” eligible for special federal designation as a Wild and Scenic River.

    Various state agencies, local governments, environmental and recreational interests, landowners, anglers, and water providers came together as an independent collaborative stakeholder group to develop a local management alternative to Wild and Scenic River designation of the Upper Colorado River with the intention of protecting and perhaps enhancing the outstandingly remarkable values on this part of the Colorado River in ways that coordinate with federal agency management. The Upper Colorado River Wild and Scenic Stakeholder Group is comprised of over 100 individuals representing various state agencies, local governments, environmental and recreational interests, landowners, anglers, and water providers. They have formed an independent, collaborative partnership to develop and implement a local management alternative to Wild and Scenic designation on the Upper Colorado River. Since coming together in 2007, the Stakeholder Group has worked together as a large group and in small work groups to develop a management plan which recognizes the interests of each representative while also protecting and enhancing the Upper Colorado River's outstanding biological, social, and recreational value.

    The Stakeholder Group’s Alternative Management Plan was proposed to the BLM as an alternative in the BLM and US Forest Service (USFS) Resource Management Plan revision process. The intention of this collaborative plan is to balance permanent protection of the identified outstandingly remarkable values of these river segments, while still providing flexibility for all water users, certainty for the stakeholders, and yields for water projects. One project that stands out as a benefit to whitewater boaters is the recently completed Gore Canyon Whitewater Park at Pumphouse. This project not only provides a whitewater play park in a gorgeous setting, but it also provides guaranteed flow in the river through a Recreational In-Channel Diversion (RICD) water right. You can read more about RICDs here.

    CW member Steve Dougherty represents CW in the Stakeholders Group and he participated in the January 30, 2017, Upper Colorado River Wild and Scenic Stakeholders Meeting held at the Keystone Center in Keystone, CO. This was his first meeting, and he’s just getting up to speed with the group. At this meeting there was not a lot of discussion of recreational boating issues. The bulk of the meeting focused on the presentation of hydrologic modeling and the use of Denver Water’s Platte and Colorado Simulation Model (PACSM). From a big picture standpoint, what is currently going on is the group has about three years to determine if the current targets for the resources and metrics to measure if the targets are appropriate and if not appropriate, what they should be. If the group cannot agree on revised targets and metrics, then the targets and metrics in the Upper Colorado River Wild and Scenic. 

  • 03/09/2017 3:45 PM | Anonymous

    At the end 2016, the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) purchased property from Union Pacific Railroad in Texas Creek on the Arkansas River. The new launch area is now groomed and ready for commercial and private Use. 

    Location: The Texas Creek Recreation Site is located at Mile Marker 252 off of US Highway 50 (between Cotopaxi and Canon City). Take Fremont County Road 27 across the river and immediately turn left, crossing a yellow cattle guard. The boat ramp is located to your left in the dry wash.  

    Parking: Parking is across CR 27 with plenty of space or further up CR 27.  

    Fee: None

    Facilities: Boat ramp, fishing access, hiking, house/mountain bike, OHV riding (with a valid Colorado OHV sticker), parking, and river access.  (Restrooms are available at the OHV parking across the railroad tracks and back toward the northeast.) 

  • 12/07/2016 11:12 AM | Anonymous

    Words and Photos by Peter Holcombe

    Over ten years ago, the annual onset of winter in Colorado became something I dreaded. Not because of snow or cold, but because of the absence of paddling opportunities after the end of the much-too-short run-off season. When I learned that there was a group of paddlers meeting on New Year’s Day to go kayaking, I was cautiously interested, but couldn't convince any of my normal paddling crew to join me on New Year’s Day 2009.

    My desire to paddle was greater than my fear of the unknown and the cold, so I drove out to the Colorado River in Glenwood Canyon with the hope that I wouldn't arrive to an empty parking lot. To my relief, I arrived to find a mixed up group of kayakers from all over the state of Colorado. Most were like me and wanted to paddle and celebrate the new year the best way they could think of, by doing the one thing that really made them happy . . . going kayaking.

    After eight years of ringing in the New Year with a lap or two down Shoshone with temperatures ranging from the single digits to a balmy 37, I’ve learned a few things about paddling in the cold. I want to share with you a few tips and tricks that can really extend your whitewater season and keep you in top form and ready for high water during an early spring runoff.

    1) Dry suit: Paddling in the winter is just as fun as during the summer, and with proper clothing, it can be very comfortable. Get a dry suit! Really, owning a dry suit should be a mandatory piece of gear for any serious paddler in Colorado because the rivers are nearly always cold. This is the best investment you can make for year-round confidence and comfort as a high-country paddler. It’s also really important to have a dry suit that has sewn-in socks. This will keep your feet dry when wading or getting in and out of your boat, which is key to happy feet in colder temps.

    2) Hands: Protect your hands. This is a big deal! Pogies alone won't cut it if you swim in the winter, and the last thing you want is to have bare hands while swimming in below-freezing temperatures. Gloves are the bare minimum, and wearing gloves under pogies is even better. Just make sure the pogies aren't too tight with the added thickness of your gloves. The best option I’ve found for when it’s so cold that icicles cling to your helmet visor is to wear thick neoprene mittens by Kokatat or NRS. While I’ve had cold fingers a time or two on the river, it’s never worse than riding a windy chairlift at Loveland with quality mittens.

    3) Head: Your mom always said to put on your hat when it’s cold outside because much of your heat escapes from your head. Some helmets are warmer than others. I find the Sweet Rocker to be really warm and comfy in the winter, and it offers amazing protection the rest of the year. When it’s really cold, I’ll add a neoprene hood, like the Kokatat Surfskin Balaclava. It not only keeps my head warmer than my skull cap does, but it also keeps the back of my neck warm. The extra coverage around your face is a plus if you find yourself without a bushy winter beard.

    4) Insulation: Dry suits keep you dry, but what you wear under them is what keeps you warm. I paddle enough in a variety of environments to have a system down for what to wear based on temperature ranges.

    • 80–100 degrees: Surf trunks and shorty dry top.

    • 60–80 degrees: Long-sleeve or shorty dry top with a light fleece and/or wool under-layers, maybe paddling pants or bibs.
    • 40–60 degrees: This is when I typically break out my dry suit. Sometimes earlier if the water is particularly cold. A one-piece fleece dry suit liner, like the Kokatat Power Dry Liner, is great in this range. I’ll wear a short sleeve Kokatat Wool Core tee as it gets closer to the 40-degree mark and bring gloves and a skull cap.

    • 30–40 degrees: This is dry suit weather for sure. I add a long sleeve Wool Core top under my Kokatat Power Dry Liner. Gloves or mittens are a must, as is my scull cap. I also pack my Kokatat Surfskin Balaclava if I’m play boating or if I’m planning to roll a bunch. It’s a good idea to always wear socks in your dry suit, but at this temperature, I like thicker wool socks on my feet.
    • 10–30 degrees: This is where a dry suit becomes critical as it keeps you warm going from your truck to the river. I add my short sleeve Kokatat Wool Core tee, plus long sleeve Kokatat Power Core shirt under my one-piece power core liner. This is three insulation layers. If you are play boating hard, you might still overheat, but this is a safe system for this temp. Mittens are ideal in this range and possibly two pairs of wool socks. At this point, you might need to wear different shoes to allow space for the extra socks. Remember if your feet are tight, they will get cold no matter how many pairs of socks you have on. Proper circulation is the key.
    • 0–10 degrees: Congratulations! You are the one of the few, the proud, the hard-core. If your house is on fire, you will save your boat before the wife and kids. This is paddling in the danger zone, and swimming simply isn’t an option. Same insulation as above, but I will add a Patagonia Nano puff vest and wear my Balaclava straight out of the car. You might also want to add some chemical hand warmers inside your suit. I know some paddlers that tape them to their armpits and lower legs or feet for added warmth. I bring a wool hat in a dry bag for the take-out and possibly wool gloves or mittens in case I need to help with a rescue and have warm dry hands on the river bank.
    • Below 0 degrees: You either moved here from Alaska or love paddling so much you need to move somewhere other than Colorado with a more vibrant winter paddling season. Seriously, it’s hard to find open water at this level. Ice bridges will be a problem even in the rapids, and all but the fastest moving water will be well frozen over.

    5) Skirts: When it gets colder your skirt, will lose its stretch. It’s common to have to help one another put on skirts when the temperature drops below freezing. Bungee skirts are more stretchy in the cold than randed skirts. If you are really hard-core and normally use a randed skirt, get a bungee skirt just for winter paddling missions. This will save you a lot of time and frustration on the river bank.

    6) Feet: Ditch your tight neoprene booties for something less restrictive that won’t limit circulation with thick wool socks underneath. You can wear all the socks you want, but if your booties are too tight, you will have cold feet. Astral or Five Ten footwear will give you great traction while still allowing room for socks if sized properly. I’ve seen some die-hards wear old hiking boots or running shoes over dry suit booties with thick socks inside.

    7) Ears: If you are play boating or rolling a lot in cold water, earplugs should be worn. You can damage your hearing with repeated exposure to cold water in your ear canals. I’m currently liking the Mack’s brand, Silicone Ear Plugs the best. They squish in your ear and keep out all the water. I get mine at Wal-Mart for under $4.

    8) River Hazards: There are a few different river conditions you will find as the temperature drops below freezing. Powder covered icy river banks can be super fun for kayak sledding seal launches and boofing an ice covered rock will send you flying higher than you ever dreamed. Playing on these icy features can be really fun, but you need to be aware of strong currents running underneath ice shelfs. Treat these as you would an undercut on any rock. Give them a wide berth and plenty of respect. The underside of an ice shelf is not a place you want to explore. Have a blast but use your best judgement.

    9) De-icing: After all the fun on the river, you might emerge from the water warm and dry on the inside of your dry suit but find yourself imprisoned in a frozen cocoon. PFD buckles and straps can quickly become frozen in place. Your suit might be incrusted in ice too. Sometimes getting out of your gear at the takeout might be the crux of the day. On Shoshone, the Grizzly Rest Area’s bathrooms have hand dryers that work beautifully to deice your paddling gear, albeit you will certainly get strange looks from travelers coming to use the restrooms.

    So there it is: my best tips for extending your paddling season. The fun doesn’t have to stop when the temperature drops. You just have to gear up and get out there and boof the ice!

    Almost three years ago Peter, Kathy, and Abby Holcombe sold their home in Boulder, Colorado, and moved into a Winnebago to chase whitewater all over North America. It’s been a dream come true paddling the continent’s most famous and obscure rivers. They have started a movement to inspire other families to go on their own adventures; they call their mission: Famagogo. To follow the adventures of Famagogo you can find them online at or on social at Instagram: @PeterHolcombe and @Adventurous.Miss and Facebook: Peter.Holcombe.

 Colorado Whitewater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  1312 17th St #76767, Denver, CO 80202

©2023 Colorado Whitewater.

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